Condobolin is established about 95 km west of Parkes and 430 km west of Sydney, near the confluence of the Lachlan River and the smaller Goobang Creek and is about 180 m above sea-level. Condobolin is renowned as a tourist hub and agriculture service centre with the farming focused on wool, various crops, wheat, sheep and beef cattle all growing on the fertile red-soil flats in the district. The Lachlan River, Goobang Creek and the other creeks around Condobolin are very popular for angling trageting Murray cod, golden perch and freshwater catfish. There is a weir near the entrance to the town that is also good for fishing. Condobolin is a amicable and intriguing heritage centre with numerous fine examples of Aboriginal art and heritage to explore and many historic buildings. There are a wide
variety of things to do and see in Condobolin and many events including: # Swimming, waterskiing. boating, fishing on Gum Bend Lake, which was constructed expressly for water-based sports. # Visitors can climb Mount Tilga for stunning views # The famous and thrilling Condo 750 cross-country rally is held during the Easter long weekend every year. It attracts car, motor bikes, dune buggies and specialist Outback Challenge vehicles. # In August the Condobolin Agricultural Show has a wonderful set of displays and exhibitions, side shows and amusements, country exhibitions and many rural and sports competitions.